Elle s'appelait Sarah (2010) Fuld Streaming

Scott Thomas's portrayal of her character's emotional transition ensures Sarah's Key will keep your heart open.. A dramatic tale of survival and horrific memories struggles against distracting melodrama in "Sarah's Key," and unfortunately, melodrama wins.. . It's as though we're being dared not to take the movie seriously, although nothing but the pre-Holocaust setting compels you to do so.. Scott Thomas is tremendous ... the emotional detail of her performance is never less than gripping, even ...


The Man Who Cried (2000) Se Streaming

A poetic look at transience, betrayal, loss and doom.. . . If this all sounds terribly melodramatic, that's because it is.. . Potter eschews drama for posing, politics for postulating, and provides enough symbolic broad strokes to gag a magic realist.. . We're never offended by any of this -- we're never exactly enthralled, either.. Potter's cinematic vision is what makes The Man Who Cried shimmer and levitate.. A mixed bag -- reasonably well-made and of some interest, but not the kind of movie ...